Food & Drinks

Diets That Disturb Tinnitus


Certain Foods Can Make the Tinnitus Worse

It is true, certain foods can make the tinnitus worse and certain foods can be great in ensuring you are managing it properly. As a tinnitus sufferer, it is up to you to make sure that you know which foods make it worse and which foods make it better. A good diet has been known to be critical in maintaining a lot of other health conditions and diseases and tinnitus is no exception.

Have a look at this list of foods, they will definitely look familiar to you – salt, sugars, saturated and trans-fats, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, fast foods, and processed foods. They look familiar because they are not just recommended because of the tinnitus, but because of a lot of other health diseases and conditions. So, I can say with conviction that these foods are bad for your health and your body! So the basic rule when it comes to your diet and your tinnitus is that anything that improves your health will ultimately improve your tinnitus. Let’s look at the bad foods:

  1. Salt –

salt for tinnitus sufferers has a negative effect because it restricts the blood vessels while it reduces blood flow to the eyes, brain, and ears. Most processed have a high level of salt, so be sure to avoid these as you start changing your eating habits.

  1. Sugar –

A lot of people who suffer from tinnitus also suffer from a condition known as hyperinsulinemia which causes a high level of insulin in the bloodstream. The danger with this is that high levels in insulin in the blood can cause type 2 diabetes. Refined sugars should therefore be avoided by tinnitus sufferers. Natural sugar like the type found in fruits and vegetables is completely acceptable and recommended.

  1. Flavor Enhancers –

A lot of processed or packaged foods contain a lot of flavor enhancers because they make the food taste better. But the problem with these foods is that they have allowed nutritional value for us. The most common flavor enhancer that the food industry uses is Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Without getting too technical, when MSG gets into our bodies, it is broken down to Glutamate, and this is the number enemy of tinnitus.

  1. Fats –

The fats that we are talking about are saturated fats that are very bad for the body and increase cholesterol levels in one’s body, these are the fats to stay away from. They have serious consequences for our health and they can cause serious diseases like stroke and heart disease just to mention a few. Not all fats are created equal and the fats that you want in your diet are unsaturated fats. These are fats like omega-3 fatty acids like the ones found in tuna, vegetables, nuts, or salmon. They lower undesirable cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and are energy sources for the brain, so they are a must-have for every diet.

The best diet for everyone to consume for a healthy body and mind is one that consists of whole, freshly prepared foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts. So the next time you go grocery shopping, stock up on these great foods.

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