
Getting Your Personal Style Started

Some of the factors that go into deciding what to wear include where you live, what your interests are, where you work, what you like to do when socializing, and what colors and styles suit your body type. By weaving all these factors together , you can create your own personal style. To find out what belongs in your personal wardrobe

Decide which trends can work for you

If you pick up a fashion magazine and look at the outfits the beautiful models are wearing, you may think, “What does this have to do with how I dress?” But even though you may not buy one of those designer outfits, it can give you clues on how to dress fashionably. To begin with, when flipping the pages of a fashion magazine, stop and take a good look at those outfits that attract you. Decide what you find appealing about that particular look. You should even take notes. If you see a dress with an off-the-shoulder style showing off the model’s collarbones and that’s a body part you like, take note. If, while flipping the pages, you see that several other designers are also making off-the-shoulder styles, you’ve spotted a trend that you’ll want to make yours.
Because magazines usually show photos of clothes for coming seasons, these designs may not yet be in stores. So tear out the pictures that you like. They can help when you’re shopping because you’ll know exactly what to look for. And if you’re tempted to buy a random dress at the end of the current season just because it’s on sale, the pictures you’re carrying around will inspire you to wait for the style you’re seeking. This is especially important if your budget only allows you to buy a few pieces.

Know your body

Of course clothing comes in all different sizes, but just because an outfit comes in your size doesn’t mean that it suits you. Some designers know how to make creations that can be adapted to women who don’t fit the runway mold. Other designers have a great eye for color and fabric, but when it comes to cut, they’re more the one-size-better-fit-all types. Your job is to learn what your body shape is and find out what types of clothes flatter your figure. If you find a designer whose fit works for your body, check out the rest of his or her line. Chances are good that all the pieces will fit you well.  Help in identifying your body shape and developing a better understanding of what clothes can make you look your best. Go to earlier blog for advice on how to dress fashionably for any occasion.

Many women buy clothes that don’t fit, using the excuse that this gives them the incentive to get into shape or lose ten pounds. Some brides are able to meet such goals because they’re aiming for one particular and very important day in their lives, but most women don’t end up ever wearing those clothes. Of course, if you are aiming to lose weight (great!); I’m not trying to discourage you. But a more practical (and successful) strategy is to invest in pieces you can wear as the beautiful you that you are right now.

Make educated purchases

To make educated purchases, you have to understand a few fashion basics, like what styles look best on you, what fabrics are appropriate for certain seasons, and what colors are you. If you are not equipped with all the information you need, shopping efficiently can be challenging. When you shop, look at the short term (“I just love the way this looks on me”) and the long term (“Is this something I must have in my closet?”). If you see a pair of trendy gladiator sandals, ask yourself, “Is this something I need, or should I use this money toward a great black cashmere cardigan?”  Buying trendier, less expensive items is fine, but buying quality pieces that can last you many seasons is essential. The decision-making process isn’t just about the way an article of clothing looks, but also how it was made.

Determine where you want to fit in

A key to building your wardrobe is to decide what you want your overall personal style to be. If you’re a mother of three and spend most of your days playing with your children and carpooling, a good portion of your wardrobe will be geared to that. But you are also a woman with a personality of your own, and your wardrobe should have pieces of clothing that work off the playground as well. So what should determine your style? Would you prefer to look like you’d fit right in walking down the streets of a fashion capital like New York, Milan, or Paris? Or are you more comfortable adopting the style more popular to the area where you live? Or do you want to identify with a particular group? If you work in an office, you need to understand the dress code of that environment, and when socializing among your friends, you want to dress appropriately for the occasion, all the while being true to your personal sense of style.

During the course of a week, or maybe even a very hectic day, you could change your outfit over and over again, depending on where you are and where you’re going. But rather than consider playing clothes chameleon a chore, look at it as an endless series of opportunities to look gorgeous and express your personal style. To do that, you need to build up confidence in your ability to dress in the right attire no matter what the setting.

About the author

Muneeb Akhtar

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