
Impact of Fashion


New Market Trends

It is a new month and last month’s wardrobe is becoming useless and outdated, no problem, you can try out new trends in the market, that go well with your taste. Apart from the typical stripes we are used to, you can try out something else, add matching skinny scarfs, and your outfit will be fabulous.

With the cold weather, the designer has developed collections of clothes that fit nature. Apart from helping you express yourself and revealing your unique inner personality, fashion also makes you comfortable, change your life, and shows a sort of creativity.

Also, it is through fashion that we communicate to people, the mode of dressing we put on tells more about us, and the response in style depends on the message associated with your choice of dressing. The information can either be acceptable or an outcast to the outside world, particularly on those that have personal identities, the celebrities, politicians, preachers, and the young generations.

Cultural and Religious Values

Fashion also is an expression of social, cultural, and religious values. Fashion is like art, just like architecture that gives development d the shape and the design that he/ she desires, so does the fashion. It means that clothes are non-verbal forms of communication. Fashion also does have an impact on our perception of an individual, for example when someone puts on a suit, it is more organized and comfortable, and in turn, the suit changes the gestures of that person and the way he speaks. Or when someone puts on jeans and T-shirts the perception is that such a person is feeble and liberal.

Choice Of Clothes

Fashion is a show of creativity; we judge someone’s creativity depending on the type of choice of clothes he/she puts on. But you must be wondering how fashion improves someone’s creativity, but, for instance, when we are putting on clothes, we consider several factors, one of them is that, does the dress match with the event we are attending. Or we also would want to wear it to look like a particular celebrity or a favorite person we know.

Thus we can say that if we can be creative in our clothing, then we can also be creative in all aspects of life including school and music. It is a fact that human beings are very excited when they do something new out of their creativity, and they become successful if they wear cloth that no one has put on before and people appreciate you and start being confident in your creativity.

Muslims Ladies Have a Unique Way

Another fascinating thing about this fashion is that it is important in religions and cultures, for example, Muslim ladies have a unique way where they cover up their faces. That is taken as fashion because the dress is put on for a purpose. Therefore, we can say that if people put on clothes from their beliefs, it can strengthen their faith, since the fashion reminds them of their religion. And it also shows the children that it is vital to be unique from others.

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September 2024

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