
Love with Yoga is Good Care of Yourself & Building Family Unity

Welcome to the world of taking good care of yourself, building family unity. This artical is designed to help you bring out the best in yourself at home, school, work, in nature, in your community and in your relationships. We are writing this article from family! Practicing yoga and meditation for many decades Compiled our experiences, favorite yoga poses, meditation and wellness practices. The intention of Be Your Best Self is to show simple ways for you and your family to develop the five qualities of being flowing, flexible, strong, balanced and calm in body, mind and spirit. Our hope is for you to uncover your true nature and feel your best.
Yoga is for all ages and abilities, for men, women, teens, girls and boys. You can learn a little at a time and extend your practice for your whole life. We, as three generations, are demonstrating the adaptability and lasting effects of yoga. Enjoy!

How Yoga Came to Be

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. The word yoga means “union” or “yoke” between the mind, body and spirit. The poses (or asanas, meaning “seat” in Sanskrit) were created to prepare the body for meditation, as part of a complete health system. Yoga is not just a series of stretches and warm-up postures. Yoga activates the connection of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms. As you connect more with yourself, you are able to connect more with others, with nature and with all of life.

How Yoga Comes to You

Yoga is for all ages, body types, dispositions, personalities, and both sexes. You can exercise with your baby, toddler, young child, grandchild, as well as include meditation and breathing practices with your older children and teens. The more you practice, the more your children will model you. Partner yoga is a delightful way to enhance your practice. Find classes, teachers, websites, DVDs, magazines or other books to help you learn more. Yoga can be expressed as a graceful art to explore beauty, harmony and balance, and to release inner emotions, struggles and challenges. As you stretch and breathe, you can work through personal issues, release old patterns and hurts, awaken creativity and passion, increaseself-esteem, and develop compassion and patience.
Yoga can be an athletic discipline for strength, stamina and endurance, and to condition for sports, skiing and running. Yoga as a science (Ayurveda) incorporates health and healing practices. Medical studies are revealing the value of this 5,000-year old system of health. The breathing practices alone bring enormous benefit to reduce blood pressure, blood sugar, anxiety and  depression. Studies of yoga practitioners show better sleep, weight management, stress reduction, positive attitudes and effective habits. Yoga seeks to elevate human consciousness –being more compassionate, respectful, ethical, generous, creative and kind brings new hope to humanity!

Imagine the ancient history of yoga in India… Tales of spiritual seekers adventures of long pilgrimages to find enlightenment… seekers climbing the rugged mountains to engage with their aged masters living in caves, learning secrets of health, longevity, wisdom and peace.

Now you can simply roll out your mats in the family room, the gym or your backyard and find the wisdom within! Your treks are the inner journeys, through craggy layers of conditioning, ego mechanisms, cultural indoctrination and training– to be who you truly are, allowing space for you to unfold and transform. As you relax into your yoga practice, you can let go of the demands and stresses of daily life and find an eternal peace that sustains and nourishes your body, mind, heart and soul.

Getting Started
Preparations and Safety Gguidelines

Yoga can be done anywhere, anytime, indoors or outdoors, alone or with others, for a few minutes to an hour or more. Share it with your family to build a closeness and health focus that will sustain you through life’s challenges and joys, and extend a legacy for generations to come.

Be Prepared

Look around your home to find a space to set up your yoga practice.
Clear away the clutter.
Eliminate distractions.
Turn off the phones and media.
Play music, if you want.
Lay out your yoga mat(s).
Put a water bottle at your side.
Wait at least an hour after eating a small meal, two hours after a larger meal.
Wear comfortable layered clothing (of breathable, natural fabrics, preferably).
Optional props
shawl/scarf, pillow and blanket for your meditation
eye pillow to soothe your eyes when lying down
straps, blocks, folded blankets, bolsters to extend/ support your poses
Use a journal or notebook with colorful pens to record your meditation and yoga practices, reflections and self-development skills.

Be Safe

Yoga is non-competitive so do not compare yourself to anyone else. Be patient and compassionate with yourself. It is better to slowly build a beautiful practice than over-exert yourself and cause an injury. Just do your best and be safe. The more you practice, the sooner you will see improvements.

Be Your Best Self – Qualities to Develop

Yoga, you ways to live a healthy life. As you move your body, breathe deeply, learn to calm yourself and meditate, you feel more in touch with yourself. This helps you to be more present, to take better care of yourself: sleep better, eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, treat yourself and others well, and accept yourself, even when you are having a hard day or a challenging period in your life. Being compassionate, kind, clear in your communications and with your wellness needs can serve you, as well as serving your family and those around you. Your yoga practice can be a healing safe time/space to just be yourself. Sharing this ancient practice with your modern family can yield unlimited benefits!

Be Your Best Self focuses on developing your strong and weak areas in your personality, as well as in your body and mind. By practicing yoga, you can learn to flow with life’s circumstances, be more flexible in body and mind, be strong in principles and values, create balance in the inner and outer realms, and tap into deep calm and peace. The ultimate goal of yoga is to unite separateness into wholeness, so the energy of your personal small self flows in harmony with the energy of the large unending Universal Self/God.

Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose is the foundation for standing poses in Hatha Yoga. The focus of Mountain is to stand tall, with the best possible posture, in order to feel as sturdy and rooted to the earth as a mountain. This pose strengthens the thighs, knees and ankles and improves overall posture. Try standing against the wall to feel your tallest posture.

Focus on the stillness of being inside your own skin and relax into who you are. Quiet the mind, breathe and just “be.” When you are able to acquire this feeling in Mountain, you can access power in all other poses and in your daily life.

1. Stand at the top of your mat. Feet are hip-width apart. Close your eyes and breathe in and out deeply, centering yourself. Have a partner check your posture.
2 . Lift and spread your toes and gently place them back down on the mat. Drop your weight onto the four corners of your feet evenly to create balance and a strong foundation for the rest of your body to rest on. Release your knees and hips.
3. Let the breath rise from the bottoms of your feet to the top of your head, on the inhale, and release all the way to your feet on the exhale.

4. Stay in this pose for 5 slow, deep breaths. Allow the flowing quality of your breath to rise and fall like the waves of the ocean, washing away clutter from your body and mind.

Body alignment in Mountain

Align your body: Feel the top of your head over your tailbone, ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips, hips over knees, knees over ankles and feet sturdy.

Relax your jaw and back of your throat. Allow your tongue to rest at the bottom of your mouth, not touching the roof of your mouth. Soften your eyes under your eyelids.

Upward Salute

This pose may seem simple, yet reaching for the sky has an uplifting, inspiring effect that releases tension and anxiety. It stretches the belly, improves digestion, and expands the shoulders and armpits.

About the author

Muneeb Akhtar

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