
Recounted Time Influences on Smart Phone Passion of High School Female Students

Technology gives human beings good effects such as convenient everyday life. However, it also gives the people bad effects such as technology addiction. Among them, smart phone addiction has become severe these days especially to adolescent. In addition, many research works presented that female students are addicted more than male students. In this paper, in order to develop an educational method for them not to be addicted seriously, we analyze female high school students’ personality traits and value such as abstract thinking, mindset, regulatory fit, and time perspective. We defined these traits and value as the time-related factors of the students in this research. And then, we analyze how each of the factors affects on their smart phone addiction. Finally, we show the relationships among the 4 factors and smart phone passion with a structural equation modeling. By showing the results of our research, educators can find a way how to prevent them from smart phone addiction.

Personality traits and personal value, the behavior identification form, promotion focus, smart phone
passion, future time perspective.

TECHNOLOGY Passion problem has been treated important, especially in the education field of secondary schools, because adolescent is more vulnerable to the addiction. Internet addiction was an important issue a few years ago. However, smart phone addiction has become a more serious problem recently. In order to prevent the addiction and to provide new educational methods for the secondary school students, many researchers have proposed various kinds of research works such as new addiction measurement scales and the environmental or personal factors that cause the passion. This research is interested in the personality traits and the personal value that affect the smart phone addiction of female high school students. Personality traits are defined as a person’s stable patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions, whereas personal values can be defined as stable broad life goals. The values can guide the person’s judgement and behavior.

The Research, Abstraction Level

On the other hand, Professor Kramer proposed a research work about abstraction’s role in computing. According to the research, abstraction level is the key to a model design and its implementation. A person’s abstract thinking ability is necessary to devise formal models for analyzing programs and for programming. And then, due to the advent of Professor Dweck’s self-theory, a person’s mindset was divided into two types: fixed and growth. Professor Dweck analyzed the relationship between the academic achievements and the mindsets of students. Also, Professor Murphy and Thomas surveyed their students’ behavior when the students met programming errors in their programming course in order to find out the relationship between computer science education and mindset. According to them, a student’s growth mindset was more important than his/her intelligence to program well during the programming education.

Different Types of Regulatory Focuses

Next, the regulatory focus theory of Professor Higgins suggested that people have two different types of regulatory focuses: promotion and prevention. According to his theory, promotion-focused people are more likely to be sensitive to the gain and the loss of positive results, whereas prevention-focused people are more likely to be sensitive to the gain and the loss of negative results. Promotionfocused people prefer changes than stabilities.

The Value About Time

Time perspective provided by Professor Zimbardo is the value about time and is different from individual to individual. Individuals partition the flow of their experiences into time zones. Professor Zimbardo proposed a new individual psychological construct, i.e. time perspective, and defined it as 6 categories; past negative time perspective, past positive time perspective, present fatalistic time perspective, present hedonic time perspective, future time perspective, and transcendental future time perspective. According to his research works, the future time perspective is desirable and the present hedonism is not always bad. He pointed out that people should have the present hedonism in some degree. The time perspective also affected to improve the quality of life and to decrease depressive symptoms of adolescent. Since academic outcomes are influenced by the future time perspective, the research recommended having a positive attitude toward the future for the high level of academic achievement.

A Person’s Abstract Thinking Style

The factors mentioned in the previous paragraphs are influential for people to act and make decisions. A person’s abstract thinking style, mindset, and regulatory fit belong to the person’s personality traits, whereas the person’s time perspective is the person’s personal value. Recently, a few research works have analyzed the relationship between personal factors and addictions separately. In one of the Professor Higgins’s research, the relationship between regulatory fit and hedonic pursuit was analyzed. In the Förster et al.’s research, time perspective and abstract thinking were presented. Professor Crews et al.’s research analyzed abstract thinking and addiction in substance abuse. Hyun et al.’s research analyzed how adolescent’s regulatory fit, time perspective, and mindset were changed based on their age and mobile phone addiction. Kim et al.’s research considered time perspective, abstract thinking, and mindset with smart phone addiction. However, the research focused on present time perspective and smart phone addiction. Since regulatory fit is related to mindset mindset, if we consider all the 4 factors together with smart phone addiction and if we find out the structural relationship among the factors, then we can understand the relationship among the smart phone addiction and the time-related factors for female students more accurately.

How they Affect the Smart Phone Passion of Female High School Students

In this paper, we consider the 4 personal factors such as abstract thinking, growth mindset, future time perspective, promotion-focus, and then analyze how they affect with each other and how they affect the smart phone addiction of female high school students . Female students’ smart phone addiction levels are higher than those of male students. Thus, we chose female students as the
respondents of our survey. We surveyed 203 female students of a general girls’ high school and analyzed the research results with Structural Equation Modeling.

the adolescent is more vulnerable to technology addiction than adults. Thus, technology addiction is a quite serious problem to them. In order to prevent the addiction problem, educators should devise new methods for our adolescent to have a long time horizon.

About the author

Muneeb Akhtar

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